I participated as Project Manager, Project Leader or Project Member in the following EU Funded Research Projects:
General Secretariat for Research and Technology – PAVE03 (2003)
Project Title: Infrastructure development for the matching of supply and demand through the internet with the use of electronic signatures for the chambers database.
European Union initiative for MMEs (2004)
Project Title: Point of dynamic search for products using the internet. The project was about the creation of a structured system for the projection and promotion of products through the internet. With this system, the selling of products can be organised in the same way proposed by the United Nations and being followed worldwide. It mainly targeted MMEs.
European Union Initiative for MMEs (2004)
Project Title: Improvement of the commercial procedures and research of a company’s sales. The project was regarding Business Process Reengineering and Marketing Research as well as the installation of a software package, which enabled commercial transactions and the connection with the international UNIBEX network.
Center of business and cultural development / Industrial Business Project / EDI (2005)
Project Title: EDI in the sector of metallic products manufacturing
Project Title: Strengthening of a JVs or a company’s human, technical and technological resources – Project in Uzbekistan. The financing of the strengthening of the human, technical and technological resources in Uzbekistan through training, assistance, transfer of know-how.
Hellenic Export Organisation / Special program for the research and penetration of external markets by Athenian companies (2006)
Project Title: Research and penetration of the markets of Uzbekistan, Egypt and Albania. The development of a software program for the management of information and its promotion in the aforementioned markets.
RETEX (2007)
Project Title: Database Study using the design and construction data of METKA S.A. Studied the upgrade, automation, coordination and completion of a technical design studio and of the Production Planning and Control department.
General Secretariat of Manufacturing / Trade Points for MMEs in Central Greece (2008)
Project Title: Electronic Commerce Centers for the MMEs in Central Greece. The creation of a trade point that covered the e-commerce needs of the MMEs of Central Greece.
General Secretariat of Manufacturing/ Trade points for MMEs in Thessalonica (2008)
Project Title: Electronic Commerce Centers for the MMEs in Thessalonica. The creation of a trade point that covered the e-commerce needs of the MMEs of Thessalonica.
General Secretariat of Manufacturing / Trade points for MMEs in Central Macedonia (2008)
Project Title: Electronic Commerce Centers for the MMEs in Central Macedonia. The creation of a trade point that covered the e-commerce needs of the MMEs in Central Macedonia.
General Secretariat of Research and Technology- PENED (2009)
Project Title: Application of the success rate theory and creation of multifactor analysis problems, industrial quality control, industrial quality control, DNA chain analysis.
General Secretariat of Research and Technology – (2009)
Project Title: Seismopolis. Participation as part of a consortium for the creation of a sismic bank in Athens.
European Community: eTEN – (2010)
Project Title: SETS (Single European E-Tendering Service). Participated as part of a consortium for the market validation of the SETS product for government electronic procurements.
Commission of the European Communities – Directorate General Information Society (2011)
Project Title: PERFORM - A sophisticated multi-parametric system for the continuous-effective assessment and monitoring of motor status in Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Dr. Angeliki Papasava © 2020